Early Career Researcher Network

Who is the network for?
The ATTAIN ECR network is for any early career researchers from any discipline with an interest in the link between physical activity and healthy ageing. 
ECRs will typically be post-graduate students, academic staff who have recently completed their doctorate, or have equivalent research experience, and may also include more experienced academic staff who are restarting their research careers (e.g. change of career, career breaks etc).

What opportunities can the network provide?
ATTAIN will be hosting quarterly webinars designed for and by early career researchers of any discipline related to ATTAIN's mission. Webinars will cover topics from working with industry partners to securing funding.

The sessions will include:

  • Mentoring from established researchers in the field of healthy ageing
  • Information about funding awards of up to £300 to attend a relevant conference
  • Interdisciplinary networking opportunities

These events will enable you to network with fellow ECRs, later-career academics, and industry specialists. Further professional support and mentoring can be arranged if desired. By joining the ECR network you will also be the first to know about any upcoming funding opportunities and awards provided by ATTAIN and our wider network partners. 

How do I join?
Sign-up for reminders about events. 

More information about our first event is coming soon!

Image of a large virtual networking meeting